
Diablo 3 pc game controller 360
Diablo 3 pc game controller 360

diablo 3 pc game controller 360

diablo 3 pc game controller 360

If their health is depleted to zero, they won’t die but instead go out of action for a short period before returning to the fray. You can control their load-out (although some of it is predetermined), and select which special abilities they’ll employ usually a choice between offense and defence. They’ll get fully stuck in during battle and offer you aid via their skills and abilities. Rather than being annoying or a hindrance, as various games’ companions often are, here they’re an asset. You’re given the option to take a follower, the Sean Bean-inspired Templar, with you early on and you can either stick with him or trade him for another at future points in the game. Thankfully, you’re easily able to compare the stats and attributes of any potential item to the one you’re currently using whilst viewing the inventory. As there’s a constant stream of incoming collected items, it can be difficult to automatically know which to assign in favour of another. Equipped items, armour and weaponry are swapped with the tap of a button, allowing you to quickly alter your preferred load-out in moments. Your inventory, skills, party, quests and lore menus are easily navigated with the thumbsticks and shoulder buttons. The user interface has essentially been redesigned from scratch around the pad, with the keyboard and mouse-led version being deemed insufficient for the console port. Despite hordes of adversaries assailing you and your party onscreen at once, the frame rate never drops and the game runs smoothly. This ability feels organic something your character should be able to do, and the combat is all the better for its inclusion. This also presents an effective way to deal with swarming foes, as you can employ a rapid hit-and-run strategy to quickly thin out the pack. A flick of the right thumbstick enables your character to flip out of harm’s way so you can strike back at your aggressor, who will often be vulnerable just after attacking. This serves the dual purpose of allowing your character’s prowess to build alongside your own dexterity.ĭefensive manoeuvres are vital to success against special enemies or bosses, and mainly comprise well-timed dodges. Rather than assigning an attack to every button from the offset, you’re granted two at the beginning with the rest unlocked at increasing experience levels. Different attacks and abilities are assigned to specific buttons and, although they can’t be personalised with different layouts, the way they’re mapped is efficient.

diablo 3 pc game controller 360

The quick-fire combat against hordes of enemies is well served by the pad. To adequately make the jump from PC to console, Blizzard has implemented a number of changes, namely the overhaul of the user interface and the inclusion of some gamepad-friendly mechanics such as the ability to dodge attacks using the right thumbstick. As likely as that is – well, on forums at least – it’s not necessary: the game’s essence is completely intact.

Diablo 3 pc game controller 360 series#

It is, after all, the first time the series has made the switch since Diablo was ported to the original PlayStation in 1998.ĭiehards may declare some indefinable legitimacy is lost in translation they may stage a Braveheart-style charge, with their ranks charging over the hill wielding flailing PC mice, led by a lunatic mounted atop a winged swivel chair. Diablo 3’s release on consoles is a significant step for Blizzard.

Diablo 3 pc game controller 360